Schedule (FAQ)


How does the schedule work?

We offer classes during six sessions throughout the year:

Session 1: January/February – classes begin 01/15/24

Session 2: March/April – classes begin 03/18/24

Session 3: May/June – classes begin 05/06/24

Session 4: July/August – classes begin 07/08/24

Session 5: September/October – classes begin 09/16/24

Session 6: November/December – classes begin 11/04/24

Registration opens typically one month before the start of a new session and most classes have an Early-Bird deadline (save $25-$50). Scene Study classes also have an Application Deadline.

On-Camera Scene Study classes are typically 3-4 hours in length, and run weekly for 6 weeks.

Weekend Intensives (Theatre Scene Study, Self-Tape Study) run intermittently throughout the year.

Click here for the upcoming session’s schedule.

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John Gordon gave me insight into characters that I could never have come up with on my own, with subtle and nuanced direction he opened up worlds of thought that led to me booking many projects.elerisque.

Evan Buliung